Feng Shui Tips for Your Bathroom

Feng Shui Tips for Your Bathroom

The Feng Shui principles are designed to regulate the flow of energy in your house and provide a more comfortable and healthy living environment, and there is no space in the house that needs this type of approach more than the bathroom. So if you plan to change your bathroom according to the ideas provided by Feng Shui, read on.

Keep it clean

This advice has as much to do with Feng Shui as it does with common sense and cleanliness. The bathroom is the dirtiest place in your house, with an abundance of bacteria, and if you are not careful, even mold, why you need to make sure you keep it as clean as possible. However, be sure to do some research on the detergents you use, as many of them are quite toxic and harmful to both you and the environment.

Install a night light

Adding a night light to your bathroom can do wonders for its energy levels, especially if you supplement it with the addition of some plants (which must be placed above the toilet level). You should keep the lights on constantly and may even want to consider installing a water well to improve energy levels.

Ventilation and light

It would be perfect if your bathroom had a window that let the daylight shine through, and it would provide natural ventilation. Full-spectrum incandescent lamps are the second best option when it comes to lighting, if there is no window, and as far as ventilation goes, be sure to open the door now and then and install a fan.


Mirrors are often used in Feng Shui because of their ability to circulate energy and improve it. You should definitely have several mirrors in your bathroom, but make sure they are positioned in a way that prevents any of them from reflecting on the toilet, as this could end up multiplying the dirt energy that steals there. If you can see the entire body in the mirror while you are in the toilet, you may want to consider moving or removing that mirror.


Toilets are the main source of the dirty energy in the bathroom, especially during flushing, as sucking motion loses the healthy energy. To prevent this, you should keep the lid down when you can, and keep the toilet as far away from the bathroom door to prevent the dirty energy from spreading throughout the rest of your house. Ideally, you would have your toilet in a separate room from the bath or shower, but simply placing a small partition between it and the rest of the bathroom is also an acceptable option.


The Feng Shui principles rely heavily on the elements, and there is no need to explain how the bathrooms are strongly associated with water elements. Water is also linked to money, which is why a water well in the bathroom is believed to be able to promote the circulation of wealth energy throughout the house.

Ariel is a creative blogger who always tries to make peace with the world by providing useful information and solving all home-related gifts. She is always happy to be of assistance and is currently working with Sydney plumbers.

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